Toto s'o Toto: check out julie gichuru's gorgeous selfie pics this lady is smoking wanjala

  • Julie Gichuru is not only the most talented music anchor but her high beauty maintenance makes her the most female anchor in the industry. 
  • Most 42 year old women don't look as amazing as her except for my mother who is super gorgeous by the way thank you very much. Here's a sneak pic of her best pictures in her natural beauty.
      10 cute selfies from Julie Gichuru that will make you disagree she's 42 years

For a 42 year old woman with five kids, Julie Gichuru surely knows how to maintain her good looks. Probably because she got that MILF money. This is just amazing.She barely looks her age.
                                                                                                                                                    10 cute selfies from Julie Gichuru that will make you disagree she's 42 years

Julie Gichuru is lady with a mixed race. Her father is from Kashmir while her mother is from kiambu while her grandfather was born in Kabete.

She is a fashion icon with her own online store website Mimi Store which was launched with the aim of promoting the latest brands of clothes meant specifically for females.

        10 cute selfies from Julie Gichuru that will make you disagree she's 42 years

Julie Gichuru couldn't have found the perfect match after he got married to her current hubby Anthony Gichuru who is a pilot.

  10 cute selfies from Julie Gichuru that will make you disagree she's 42 years

Gichuru is currently on KBC TV  where she has her own shows the Great Debaters Contest and Africa Leadership Dialogues.

        10 cute selfies from Julie Gichuru that will make you disagree she's 42 years

  10 cute selfies from Julie Gichuru that will make you disagree she's 42 years

       10 cute selfies from Julie Gichuru that will make you disagree she's 42 years

 10 cute selfies from Julie Gichuru that will make you disagree she's 42 years

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