Red sky of blood over China became clear 300 years later.
Red sky of blood : In 1770 skies over China Korea & Japan turned terribly red and for eight more nights this bright red aurora hung.
For almost three centuries this mysterious red sky of blood event has been lost in history.
China : Now researchers from East Asia using palace diaries & other historical documents have rediscovered this bizarre phenomenon & have suggested a possible reason a huge magnetic storm that created the most powerful on record. hurricane, called Carrington Incident of 1859. Geomagnetic storms occur when a solar powered explosion hits the Earth magnetic field a shell of electrically charged particles trapped in Earth's magnetic field.
Red sky of blood :Researchers say that if such a large magnetic storm hits Earth now it could destroy the power grids around planet.
Mysterious event was rediscovered red sky of blood
To rediscover this mysterious event Ha shishi Haikawa a historian and astronomer at Osaka University in Japan & his colleagues searched historical records of 18th century China Korea and Japan & searched 4 Aurora. Of Aurora, a bright display of colors in the sky called northern or southern light is the result of solar particles hitting Earth magnetic sphere. They are usually more visible near planet magnetic poles but when They are located at low latitudes away from Earth's poles. They can show evidence of geomagnetic storm activity.
Red sky of blood : This kind of historical documentation allows us to trace solar activity 4 thousands of years Haikawa told LiveScience. Aurora records 4 example can be found in the Babylonian astronomical diaries of 567 BC he said.
Team also examined amateur German astronomer Johann Caspar Stodcher Sunspot drawings of same period as well as Captain James Cook mission records on HMS Endeavor.
After studying 111 historical documents scientists found evidence of a red aurora seen throughout East Asia from 10 to 19 September 1770. This long lasting aurora was observed at low latitudes indicating that a powerful geomagnetic storm caused them.
I was documented southward by crew members aboard the HMS Endeavor near the island of Timor. These results are among the earliest known records of simultaneous orbital observations in both hemispheres.
Considering this a huge event it would be appropriate to look for more events not only in East Asia but also in other low lying areas Haikawa said. Haikawa added that as a result team is expanding its archive survey to remote areas such as the Middle East.
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Red sky of blood :The team also explored historical records for drawing sunspots often accompanied by geomagnetic storms. These drawings suggest that the sunspots during the 1770 event were twice as large as those observed during the Carrington event suggesting that they were at least comparable in strength. During the infamous Carrington event electric currents in air zipped telegraph wires and instruments set fire to paper.
Research suggests that the event of 1770 affected at least as much of world as the Carrington event. In addition Aurora of the 1770 event was seen in nine nights while the Carrington event was seen in only 4 nights.
"red sky of blood events of 1770 continued for a long time Haikawa said.
As a result scientists say scientists may need to reconsider how often such powerful storms occur.
Now we know that the Carrington incident was nothing special Hiroki Isobi a solar physician at Kyoto University in Japan co author of the study told Live Science. This happens from time to time about once every 100 years.
Potentially catastrophic event
Given how much the world has become dependent on electricity since the Carrington incident there would be unprecedented damage if such a powerful geomagnetic storm hit now.
For example in 1989 a geomagnetic storm blacked out Quebec in 90 seconds leaving 6 million users in the dark for 9 hours damaging transformers as far as New Jersey & from the East Coast to Pacific Ocean. The Americans almost took the power grid down. NNW However Quebec event-could only account 4 1 tenth of power of the Carrington event according to preliminary work.
A 2013 study by Lloyds of London estimated that North America would cost $ 2.6 trillion if a Carrington level hurricane were to arrive 4 predicted that a Carrington level highly geographic magnetic storm is almost inevitable in the future.
We believe we need to anticipate further economic 4 social implications for this type of extreme and long lasting magnetic storm Haikawa said.
Researchers are now looking for other historical examples of powerful magnetic storms. We've already got another 1770 class incident Haikawa said.
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The scientists published their findings online on November 29 in the journal Astrophysical Journal Letters.
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