- 41 reformed sex workers have been given Sh 2.6 million in order to start their own business in Kiambu county.
- New Hope of Kenya is expected to help them find alternatives sources of income.
Jesus once said "you hypocrites, pretend to be holy but you will be surprised to see prostitutes entering the kingdom of heaven before you."Never despise a fellow human being regardless, because you never know what plans God has for him or her.Several reformed in prostitutes recently got some good news after they were awarded with the right to earn Sh 2.6 million by the Kiambu county as capital to start their own business.The grant from New Hope Kenya will be given to 41 reformed commercial workers among them being 5 men out of 36 women - in order to keep them away from prostitution.“70% of the commercial sex workers seek to exit the trade but have no exit plan and are therefore confined to the dehumanizing trade due to lack of alternatives,” said Pastor Gloria Azikiwe of the New Hope Kenya as published by Hivi Sasa on Tuesday, August 3.
Pastor Gloria said the "Rudisha Mama Nyumbani" was launched with the aim of paving way for commercial workers alternatives.
Kenya Sex Workers' Association (KESWA) was prompted to seek help from the President of Republic of Kenya Uhuru Kenyatta in the year October 2015, after it was revealed in the letter that a spree of random murders was being committed against commercial sex workers across the country every month.This is similar to the case of a one known reformed criminal by the name Philip Onyancha who was put in prison in the year 2010 after it was discovered that he had killed up to 19 female sex workers and drinking their blood; he claimed that a teacher had told him it would bring great fortune. "I wonder if that teacher had a license to teach because he sure suckered Philip into going to jail. But woe to Philip for being a dumb ass! If you want fortune get a job or start a business idiot." Anyway Philip is happily serving a 12-year jail sentence. "Prostitution in Kenya is considered illegal unless you're Vera Sidika then in that case you're good. [No diss intended there lol ] just saying though this lady is making serious paper. "As I was saying prostitution is a no no but in-spite of this, it is common all over the country with most commercial workers operating out of hotels and lodgings "kama hapo Naivasha." 
Prostitution in Kenya is considered illegal and in spite of this, it is common all over the country with most operating out of hotels and commercial houses for rent. Image: Daily NationWhile many organizations have been appealing for the legalization of prostitution in the country with the claim that it could be a source of revenue for individuals and the government.Surprisingly, about 76.6% of Kenyans felt that prostitution should be legalized.
"Meaning 76.6% of Kenyans are illiterate or high seriously on marijuana. "
There are about 130,000 sex workers in Kenya with most of them living in Nairobi. Out of every 200 women in Kenya, one of them is said to be a prostitute.
“70% of the commercial sex workers seek to exit the trade but have no exit plan and are therefore confined to the dehumanizing trade due to lack of alternatives,” said Pastor Gloria Azikiwe of the New Hope Kenya as published by Hivi Sasa on Tuesday, August 3.

Prostitution in Kenya is considered illegal and in spite of this, it is common all over the country with most operating out of hotels and commercial houses for rent. Image: Daily Nation
"Meaning 76.6% of Kenyans are illiterate or high seriously on marijuana. "
There are about 130,000 sex workers in Kenya with most of them living in Nairobi. Out of every 200 women in Kenya, one of them is said to be a prostitute.
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