- Church members report a pastor for having sex with women to make them fertile.

A pastor in Uganda was arrested for sexually abusing several women with the inability to have children claiming that he would relieve them from the burden of infertility.
He not only did that but he was also accused of pulling out money extortion schemes from members of the public.
The police officer in charge of Lira Main market police post, Francis Liiga, said that the pastor from Pentecostal Ministries was arrested after a report against him was made by the public members for extortion.
“Some of the women claim the suspect has been sexually abusing them,” Mr Liiga told Daily Monitor. “There is a scenario where he is reported to have been washing the private parts of these women with what he calls anointing water”.
The reports further state that the pastor was asking for Sh 4,500 and in exchange,he would end all their financial problems.
The pastor also went to the extent of giving his church members, business women, dirty water to pour on cooked food in their restaurants so that they could increase the number of customers.
Mr Mansur Suwed, a north kyoga regional police spokesman, instructed the victims to record a statement at Lira main market police station before a case could be opened against the arrested suspect.
The suspect however, denied the charges made against him saying that he was just doing his normal routine of praying for people who needed God's intervention to help solve their problems.
However, I get sad when I hear stories of pastors and church leaders defiling the churches when they are supposed to lead the lost to the light.
The most unfortunate thing about this, is that it is becoming more impossible for God to pour out His Holy Spirit upon churches because of it.
Mark my words miracles do exist and God has the ability to perform lots of miracles that you wouldn't believe and I am a witness to that but the churches are making it impossible for God to to His work miracles because of the lack of commitment to righteousness, discipline and self-control.
I want you to note keenly; it is impossible for pastors to perform miracles if God has not poured out the Holy Spirit to them. Without the Holy Spirit, there's no way one can perform miracles, and if He does, then the spirit he or she uses is not of God.
The works of God are known because it is said in the word and I quote
"No bad tree can bear good fruits and no good tree can bear bad fruits."
end of quote
These words were said by Jesus to help you identify fake pastors from genuine ones and the more you read the bible, the more you will be able to distinguish between pastors that use black magic and those that use the Holy Spirit of God.
When the Holy Spirit settles on a man, the man does things according to the will of God and not by himself. Meaning every word,decision or action he or she takes is as a result of the Holy Spirit.
The only way to receive the Holy Spirit is to carry yourself in a manner that God wants you to. That way you will create a good soul for the Holy Spirit to dwell inside.
Your body and soul is the temple of God and for the Holy Spirit to dwell inside your temple, it must be clean. Any temple of God that is defiled must be destroyed.
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