Office Mal Scanner : Scan All Your Documents From Malicious Codes

OfficeMalScanner v0.5 is a Ms Office forensic tool to scan for malicious traces, like shell code heuristics, PE-files or embedded OLE streams.

Found files are being extracted to disk. It supports disassembly and hexview as well as an easy brute force mode to detect encrypted files. Next to this, an office file is being scanned for VB-macro code and if found, it will be extracted for further analysis.

The "inflate" feature extracts Ms Office 2007 documents into a directory and marks potentially malicious files. Also included in this package is a tool called MalHost-Setup, some kind of MS Office runtime emulation environment to debug shell code in malicious documents in real time.

NOTE : IT Only Support MS Office Till Now




Screen Shots :-



Happy Hacking @hackerthedude

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